The Bristol Probate & Family Court
has partnered with the Kinship Navigator Program!!
Their staff will be available on our Virtual Registry every Wednesday from 10am to 12pm. Please use the link provided under our Virtual Registry to speak with them privately about what resources are available to you as guardians.
The Kinship Navigator is a program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that assists all kinship guardians / caregivers (grandparents and other relatives) with accessing services online and with assistance from Kinship Navigator staff to help cultivate strong, stable and successful families
To learn more about this program or to apply for their assistance please click on the link below.
As of 1/2/25 MGL Chapter 209C has been updated. Please refer to to review the update information and new forms in Court Forms
The new Uniform Guide to Filing went into effect 8/26/24. Please refer to the guide prior to filing any new pleadings.
We have an excessive number of binders. If you would like any, please come to the Taunton registry and take as many as you would like.
Court Service Center
is available for eligible self-represented litigants
assistance with completing forms
provide information about court rules, procedures, and practices,
Computers with access to online resources
Help in your preferred language
Taunton Court Service Center
provides in-person services
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
from 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. & 2–4:30 p.m.
Court Service Center in Fall River
February 6th, 11th, 20th, 25th
The Virtual Court Service Center is open,
from 9am to 2pm,
Monday thru Friday.
Use this link to connect:
For more information click on Court Service Centers
Effective July 1, 2024,
The Bristol County Registry will now offer the scheduling of Non-Emergency Motions any time our Virtual Registry is available.
To schedule the hearing the Motion must have been accepted on efile or
be pending on efile. Please have the efile envelope number ready when you contact the virtual registry.
In addition, the next available Motion Day will be added to the web site (
near the Judge’s Calendar.
You may request a Motion hearing anytime after that day for each Judge.
Please be advised that we can never guarantee that a particular
Motion Day will be available when you contact the virtual registry.
We suggest you have a few available date options when you call.
The Judges have two trial dates and three mixed lists per week.
In addition, they have two Lobby days per month.
Motions can only be scheduled on mixed list days.
This information is reflected on the Judicial Calendar.
All Motions which are filed through the mail or filed in person at the
registry counter will be auto-scheduled for the next available Motion date
and notice sent out to the parties and/or counsel.
Normal Business Hours:
Taunton Registry :: Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
Fall River Registry :: Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
New Bedford Registry :: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Our New Bedford location will be closed on Wednesday's and whenever there is not a sitting Judge.
Please check website for site specific closure dates for all locations.
*********************************************** ​​​​​​​​​​​​
New Bedford Closure Dates
January 17th, 22nd, 24th, 29th
Fall River Closure Dates
January 23rd, 31st
New Bedford Closure Dates
February 5th, 6th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Fall River Closure Dates
February 7th, 14th, 28th
virtual REGISTRY
The Bristol County Probate and Family Court Virtual Registry
will now be available daily from 9:00am to 12:00pm and then from 1:00pm to 4:00pm.
The Virtual Registry will give you full access to all of our Registry services.
Please click on the link below to get started or dial in!
Zoom Link ::
Telephone Dial In :: 1-646-828-7666
Meeting ID :: 1612606196
court updates
The Taunton Bristol Probate & Family Court Registry is open at this time. Please try to limit in person visits when possible. All inquires can be handled through the Virtual Registry
Non-Emergency filings can be e-filed in accordance to what is accepted through our e-file system or can be mailed to 40 Broadway, Taunton, Ma 02780.
On Behalf of the Bristol Probate and Family Court Register
Thomas Hoye
and Staff
we would like to
on 40 years of Service
Department of Revenue Questions
If your case involves the
Dept. of Revenue
Click on the Zoom link to speak with a child support specialist
Need to Make a Payment
on your Case?
Visit Trial Court eAccess
and click on
"Quick Pay"
This website has been created to help Bristol County residents access resources for the Probate & Family Court.
If you need further assistance please contact our Virtual Registry
Our goal is to make your interactions with our court as efficient and professional as possible and we look forward to helping you in any way we can.
Thank you for visiting the Bristol County Probate & Family Court Registry website.
Thomas C. Hoye Jr.
Register of Probate