As of 1/2/25 MGL Chapter 209C has been updated. Please refer to Mass.gov to review the update information and new forms in Court Forms
The new Uniform Guide to Filing went into effect 8/26/24. Please refer to the guide prior to filing any new pleadings.
Effective July 1, 2024,
The Bristol County Registry will now offer the scheduling of Non-Emergency Motions any time our Virtual Registry is available.
To schedule the hearing the Motion must have been accepted on efile or
be pending on efile. Please have the efile envelope number ready when you contact the virtual registry.
In addition, the next available Motion Day will be added to the web site (www.bristolcountyprobate.org)
near the Judge’s Calendar.
You may request a Motion hearing anytime after that day for each Judge.
Please be advised that we can never guarantee that a particular
Motion Day will be available when you contact the virtual registry.
We suggest you have a few available date options when you call.
The Judges have two trial dates and three mixed lists per week.
In addition, they have two Lobby days per month.
Motions can only be scheduled on mixed list days.
This information is reflected on the Judicial Calendar.
All Motions which are filed through the mail or filed in person at the
registry counter will be auto-scheduled for the next available Motion date
and notice sent out to the parties and/or counsel.
Judicial Calendars
Please Note - Judicial calendars are subject to change without notice.​​​​
All Courts are closed on federal & state holidays. Click here for a list of holidays.
New Bedford Closure Dates
February 12th, 19th, 26th
Fall River Closure Dates
February 14th, 28th